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A day at the bookstore brought a relaxing time and a bit of frustration. My children know me in the bookstore however the company we brought along had no idea what we like to do in a bookstore. Of course, my teenagers get things done very quickly and mark it up as a boring time. They let me wonder around the store and get mommy time in. I was trying to help the company we had; he was looking for certain books and I was looking. Through everything, I kept in my mind he wasn’t used to me in a bookstore. I tried to help and tried to be me.

Screaming inside of my mind, “WHAT THE HELL!” I use that when I’m trying to figure out what’s going on or when I don’t care, so what the hell, right?

In the aisle where metaphysics was, we were looking at a few books. Something stupid happened and I lost my train of thought. I gave up on my book hunting and focused on what he was wanting. Another what the hell moment.

Whatever the stupid irritation was came back around, writing this I can’t remember what it was however I do remember it irritating me at the time. (Really, apparently it wasn’t important.)  I was ready to go when I seen this f**k it the ultimate spiritual way by John C. Parkin book. Okay, I shrugged my shoulder and said what the hell. I literally brought this book by the cover alone.

After a few days of having this book sit on my desk, untouched I decided to pick it up and have a go. I read the Acknowledgements, the Forward, and then the Foreplay. I absolutely loved the Foreplay. Reading everything to a friend, she began to laugh and asked if I wrote the book and replaced my What the hell with F**k It. Too funny! I absolutely love this book. It brings a down to earth philosophy to the mind; it holds humor and seriousness with a relaxed feel.

I want to share a few sections in this book with you:

The Foreplay

A Taste: Say Fuck It to Something New

When you say Fuck It, you let go of the your hold on something– usually something that’s causing you pain.

When you say Fuck It, you give into to the flow of life–you stop doing what you don’t want to do, you finally do what you’ve always wanted to do, and you stop listening to people and listen to yourself.

When you say Fuck It, you carry out a spiritual act (the ultimate one, actually) because you give up, let go, stop resisting and relax back into the natural flow of life itself (otherwise known as the Tao, God, etc.)

When you say Fuck It, you stop worrying (generally), give up wanting (mainly) and end up being darn happy to be yourself in the present moment (if you’re lucky).

So before we jump arm-in arm into this swimming pool of Fuck It wisdom, have a go yourself now. Say Fuck It to something. It could be something small (take a trip to the fridge and gobble down the cheesecake) or big (take a trip to that lazy pig of a fella you call your partner and tell him to take a walk).

Say Fuck It to something…anything. And feel the freedom and release that it brings. Multiply that to the power of 10, imagine feeling like that most of the time and you have an idea of what you’re getting into.

And, last thing before we jump then, let’s SHOUT together… Fuuucccckkkkkkk liiittttttttttttt!

Love the Foreplay! On to: Why Saying Fuck It IS a Spiritual Act.

When we say Fuck It to things that are really getting to us) the things that are mattering too much), we do carry out a spiritual act. Fuck It is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up and relaxing our hold on things (attachments).

Of course, we could argue until the second coming (mmm, don’t just love that expression?) about what ‘spiritual’ actually means. In a broad sense it’s usually defined as the non-material: in whatever non-shape or non-form. But even this doesn’t quite do it for me. I can get ‘spiritual’ feelings from the most material and everyday things. So let’s not go too mad on an actual definition–enough to say that we probably both get what we’re on about when we say ‘spiritual’. And-in my experience– whenever we relax deeply and let go, we open ourselves to the spiritual.

Okay, okay, that’s only part of this book. How you actually read the book after you read all the little extras at the beginning, you shut the book and then flip it open to a section. The first section I flipped to was a section about relationships. Well hell, thank you John C. Parkin, just what I needed. When I was contemplating my relationship, John sent the vibes just to the page for me. (Read the book and you will find out what I’m talking about.) After reading the section, I had a good thought about everything. By the way the section is called, Say Fuck It in Your Relationship. Now onto the second section I read: Say Fuck It to Your Issues.

Really John? I’m listening loud and clear! (Once again, read the book and you’ll understand what I’m saying.)

I’m a girl who loves philosophy and a rocking sense of humor. I found it all in one book. I’m recommending you give this book a glance over, flip to a section of the book and hopefully the spiritual vibes will land on a section you need help in your life or just a section you’ve pondered for a moment.

My What the Hell philosophy now has an add-on with Fuck It philosophy. Sometimes we all need to say Fuck It or even What the Hell and walk away from crap in our life.

With a little advice from What the Hell philosophy, if you are questioning your actions because something or someone is making you question yourself, walk away and breathe. Nothing in this world should make you doubt yourself. You know who you are, so be that person. In addition, READ F**K IT, the ultimate spiritual way by John C. Parkin.